Higher Level Hiring: Strategic Interviewing Success

Training Leaders to be more confident performers, strategically manage the identification, hiring and continuous flow of talent for a multi-generational workforce. Learn to effectively Hire, Retain, Engage, Develop top level candidates and revolutionize leadership from the inside out based on a value system that withstands the rapidly changing marketplace.

Hiring managers will learn to:

• Perform more effective, behavioral based interviews to identify authenticity and reveal a leadership mentality of innovation

• Empower hiring authorities to have bigger, more honest conversations

• Effectively select informative interview questions that identify candidate intangibles that lead to the tangibles

• Shift mindset focus to hiring quality candidates with emotional intelligence as well as technical ability for optimal performance

• Identify motivators and understand generational characteristics of the Five Generations in the Workforce: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials (better known as Gen Y) and Generation Z.